KiRA Global

The Family Mediation Center

Give You Children A Second Chance At A United Family

Click HERE to apply to the Family Mediation Centre.

Divorce and other adverse childhood experiences have one main thing in common, the copious amount of stress put on the child, which stress has been categorized as toxic stress, i.e., a prolonged period of stress (CDC, 2020). For all children, their parents’ divorce colors their view of the world and relationships for the rest of their lives.

While virtually every child suffers the lost relationship and lost security, for many, the emotional scars have additional, more visible consequences. More than 30 years of research continues to reveal the negative effects of divorce on children. Most of these measurable effects are calculated in increased risks. In other words, while divorce does not mean these effects will definitely occur in your child, it does greatly increase the risks.

Feelings of abandonment and confusion are compounded when one or both parents find a new spouse. A second marriage may bring complications and new emotions for children and the adjustment tends to be difficult, considering that it is the adults who choose new families, not the children. Worse still, a second-marriage divorce can leave the child reeling from yet another loss.

At KiRA Foundation, we believe that it is important to educate intending couples and married parents on the impact of divorce or chaotic homes on children, in order to spread proper awareness and decrease its negative consequences and reduce the prevalence of divorce. Except where the life, limb, or mental health of a spouse/parent is in danger by continuity of the marriage or togetherness, we will endeavour to bring the gap and restore true unity, in love, to the home.

To avail yourself and your marriage of our confidential 5-star marriage/family mediation service led by seasoned marriage counsellors who have themselves weathered the storms you might be facing, please apply here.

In the most unlikely event that you still decide to part ways with your spouse after the counselling sessions and participating in all given activities and directives, we will offer you pro bono advice on best modalities to ensure that the effect of your separation on the children and dependents of your marriage is mitigated or negated.

This advice will include guidance on:
How to tell the child(ren) about the divorce;
How to help your child(ren) healthy grieve the divorce;
How to provide stability to help your child(ren) throughout the divorce process and thereafter;
How to take care of yourself to ensure your duty as a parent is not compromised;

Click here to apply to the Family Mediation Centre.